Running mad after our troublesome little woman who has declared a war of will power, like any toddler she’s looking to see how naughty she can be without us telling her off
Thoughts of surgery and spica cast are safely put to the back of our minds, more thought of packing suitcases for our wee trip away and finding the spare washing liquid as going to Tesco isn’t going to happen today. Sunshine weather and back garden is how it’s going to be...NO JESSIE DONT EAT THE ROCKS YUK YUK.
As I Google portable DVD players for girls and see some cute ones for reasonably cheap on eBay. We had planned to buy one for her Christmas but I need to get one now. Its not birthday or Christmas sure she will need it in hospital for her DVDs but does this class as spoiling. What the hell will I get her for Christmas now, the thoughts just keep coming I'm now thinking Christmas in May HELP ME!
Ok! mummy’s been bad. Since hearing the news I haven’t really looked after myself or my husband.